Great Semi-Flexible Solar Panel From Sungold

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  7. Great Semi-Flexible Solar Panel From Sungold

It can be difficult to charge your electronic gadgets in far-off places, whether you’re organizing a road trip, sailing excursion, beach holiday, or camping trip.

Solar energy is a fantastic environmentally responsible choice for maintaining power on the go, but conventional panels are large and made to be fixed in one location.

However, there are now a variety of smi-flexible solar panels available that are strong, light, and weatherproof. Additionally, they are linghtweight enough to be stored away for a rainy day.

The semi-flexible solar panel from SUNGOLD

With its semi-flexible solar panel, SUNGOLD is better able to meet the demanding power density, durability, and cost criteria of permanent and semi-permanent applications.

The world’s most advanced solar cell technology, Sungold SP semi-flexible solar panels, uses premium SUNPOWER solar cells with a cell efficiency of up to 24.4%.

In terms of endurance, monocrystalline solar cells, are different. Suitable for outdoor pursuits like tenting, boating, RVing, and camping.

flexible solar panel kit for camper

Size: Offers customizable panel shapes and cell arrangements.

Flexible solar back sheet: Higher heat resistance and heat dispersion ensure long service life.

Semi-elastic: With our customized fiberglass back sheets, bend to a diameter of 3′ without any risk of damage.

Cost-effectiveness: Cheaper than thin film materials in terms of price/watt


1. Shipping: This technology is perfect for freight, rail, and automotive applications due to its robustness, power density, and low cost.

2. Watercraft/Ocean: PowerFilm’s semi-flexible crystal solutions are perfect for withstanding the harsh elements of the marine environment due to their tough weather resistance.

3. Vehicle and RV charging: In contrast to conventional rigid frame solar, the method uses a lightweight fiberglass substrate that is also simpler to install.

Battery maintainer, trickle charger, and auxiliary power

4. Mobile Energy: The crystal technology from SUNGOLD can be created in a portable, small form factor that is perfect for high-power mobile applications.


SUNGOLD leads the world in the solar sector and has very successful semi-flexible solar panels on the market. Please get in touch with us if you want to join us.


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